Master's Degree in Materials Engineering

Materials Science and Engineering: The field

The ability to understand and use innovatively materials is an important measure of the sophistication of a civilisation. Life is enhanced and restricted by the ability to use materials effectively. Materials engineering is an interdisciplinary field that studies the relationship among the structure of materials at atomic or molecular scales, their macroscopic properties, processing and applications. 

Materials scientists and engineers help to develop the materials required for new products, find better lower-cost manufacturing routes, and enhance the performance of existing materials. They consider the environmental impact and sustainability of their products. They also examine how to optimise the selection of materials and create sophisticated databases from which properties and service behaviour can be predicted. 

The study of materials engineering has for many decades been established across the developed world. This encompasses aspects of the physical sciences and of engineering, with two central themes: the link between structure and the chemical, physical and mechanical properties; and how control of microstructure through processing can be used to optimise engineering performance. The range of programmes to which this benchmark statement applies is diverse and entails science-based and engineering-based programmes. 

Objective of the master

The main objective of the MSc. in Materials Engineering is to prepare engineers with interdisciplinary technical preparation, and enable them to perform multiple activities related to materials for a wide variety of productive sectors, product design, selection, extraction, development and processing of materials, including computer modelling, the application of service-life criteria, and quality control of production. Students of the course will examine projects associated with manufacturing processes, processing and utilisation, as well as recycling, environmental monitoring and impact, restoration and rehabilitation  .